Session Chair: Andrew Lindemann, Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc., Denver, CO
10 Biggest Mistakes in Groundwater Remediation
Abstract and Presentation
Mickele Bragg, Jeff Popiel, Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc., Denver, CO
Bio-Traps and Site Management Strategies for Groundwater Impacted with Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Abstract and Presentation
Kerry L. Sublette, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK; Katherine Clark, Dora Taggart, Anita Biernacki, Brett R. Baldwin, Microbial Insights, Inc., Knoxville, TN
Cost-Effective Destruction of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminants with Expedited Residual Mass Solubilization Under Anaerobic Conditions via Biostimulation
Abstract and Presentation
I. Richard Schaffner, Jr., Schaffner Applied BioGeoSciences, LLC, Nashua, NH; Kent Armstrong, TerraStryke Products, LLC, Andover, NH
In Situ Bioreactors (ISBRs) for In-Well Groundwater Remediation
Abstract and Presentation
Kerry L. Sublette, The University of Tulsa; Eric Raes, BioEnhance, LLC, High Bridge, NJ; Katie Clark, Dora Taggart, Brett Baldwin, Anita Biernacki, Microbial Insights, Inc., Knoxville, TN
Emergency Response Results in NFA After Tanker Roll-Over
Abstract and Presentation
Theresa Sorrells, Rick Davey, Alpine Remediation, Golden,CO
New Perspectives on Horizontal Wells for Assessment and Remediation
Abstract and Presentation
Erik R. Piatt