An overturned tanker truck resulted in a several thousand gallon gasoline spill in a remote area of Utah. The truck overturned onto active railroad tracks 60 feet from a creek. The remoteness of the site eliminated all mechanical systems due to a lack of power. In situ injections of BOS-200(R) was selected as the remedial option for the site, due to the proximity of the spill to the creek & the remoteness of the site. Groundwater benzene concentrations were as high as 14 mg/L before treatment. Injections were performed in June & October of 2010. After three successful groundwater sampling events in November 2010, March 2011, & October 2011, all wells were below the MCLs for BTEX & TPH-gasoline and an NFA was granted by the Utah DWQ in January 2012.

Primary Author / Conference Presenter:
Theresa Sorrells
Alpine Remediation
Golden, CO, USA

Rick Davey, Alpine Remediation, Golden, CO