Chris Athmer
Sr. Environmental Engineer
Terran Corporation
Ohio, USA

Presentation Date: March 14, 2024
Subject Areas: Soil Remediation & Restoration; Brine & Hydrocarbon Spills

Electrokinetic Desalinization is proving to be an effective way to treat brine spill source area residual contamination. The technology can be powered using line power or solar power for remote sites. Over the last few years, improvements have been made that increase the applicability and lowering the operational costs. This presentation updates the state of the brine release site treatment using electrokinetics, including a brief technology primer, case histories and lessons learned.

Chris Athmer, P.E., Terran Corporation
Chris graduated from the University of Dayton, earning a BS in Chemical Engineering. He has worked 40 years as an Environmental and Research Engineer. His earlier work involved development of the Lasagna soil remediation process, an EK process developed by Monsanto, GE and DuPont, culminating in the very successful full-scale implementation at the DOE facility in Paducah. Chris now designs and installs remediation systems as well as overseeing environmental site investigations and feasibility studies. he is also involved in developing various innovative electrokinetic based remediation systems and mine tailings/sludge dewatering methods. He has published several articles and book chapters on the subject of electrokinetic based remediation.

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