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ONLINE | ON-DEMAND | SELF-PACED Course | Instructed by Dr. Torben L. Skovhus and Richard B. Eckert

Ready to Sign-Up? Click Here | Continue reading to learn how this course would be beneficial for you and your team.

Corrosion management is critical to the success of any corrosion control effort as it helps assure that the necessary processes, procedures, and organizational support are in place.

This course provides a complete step-by-step guide for assessing and controlling MIC in engineered assets based on the latest corrosion management principles used by leading industries around the world.

It is an introduction to the main elements of corrosion management systems and how they are used to address MIC and abiotic (non-biological) corrosion threats.

The participants will be walked through the processes of corrosion threat assessment, data collection, identification of mitigation and prevention measures, and measuring the effectiveness of those measures.

By providing the scientific basis of important corrosion control concepts, you will gain a more intensive understanding of, and be exposed to the real-world application of, its content.

Dr. Skovhus states, “The goal of this course is to equip students with the knowledge and resources to better assess and manage MIC in their assets, including:
COLLECTING the necessary data to identify corrosion threats
SELECTING the most appropriate analytical and monitoring methods
IDENTIFYING the most effective mitigation measures and how to apply them
DEMONSTRATING the effectiveness of the corrosion management program to regulators and other stakeholders

KEY BENEFIT: Real-World Application of course content is backed by the scientific basis of important corrosion control concepts.


Dr. Torben Lund Skovhus is Principal Owner of Skovhus BioConsult (SBC) and is also Docent & Project Manager at VIA University College in the Research Center for Built Environment, Energy, Water and Climate, Denmark. Dr Skovhus is an AMPP Fellow and chair of the ISMOS TSC, an organization he founded in 2006. He is the author of 150+ technical and scientific papers and book chapters related to industrial microbiology, applied biotechnology, corrosion management, oilfield microbiology, water treatment and safety, reservoir souring and biocorrosion. He is co-editor of “Failure Analysis of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion” from 2021 (CRC Press).

Richard Eckert, Principal Owner of Microbial Corrosion Consulting, LLC, has over 43 years of experience with oil and gas industry corrosion/failure investigations, internal corrosion and MIC assessment, mitigation and management; materials selection, forensic corrosion engineering, litigation support and regulatory compliance. He is the author of 4 books and over 50 publications on internal corrosion mitigation and monitoring, corrosion failure investigation and microbiologically influenced corrosion. Mr. Eckert is a NACE International certified Internal Corrosion Specialist, and AMPP Fellow. He previously served on the NACE Board of Directors and has chaired a number of technical committees that produced standards on corrosion management and internal MIC of pipelines. He is co-editor of “Failure Analysis of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion” from 2021 (CRC Press) and is frequently lecturing and teaching on the topic of MIC.

This Course is DESIGNED for:
• Corrosion, materials, operations, integrity and engineering professionals from large oil and gas exploration and production companies to small producers
• Midstream and downstream gas and liquid pipeline/facility operators
• Industries where assets are exposed to water or other corrosive conditions, including power generation, wastewater treatment, chemical manufacturing, drinking water systems, and marine/maritime assets
• Chemical treatment vendors and consultants
• Materials and Microbiology students preparing to enter the workplace
• Tank farm operators; truck and rail transportation of hydrocarbons
• State and Federal Regulators and Inspectors
• Oil and Gas Service Company Personnel
• Anyone interested in using corrosion management principles to better address corrosion issues in their assets


#1: The Corrosion Management Process
– Corrosion Threats vs. Risks
– How is corrosion Managed?
– Standards and Guidelines
#2: Corrosion Threat Assessment
– Types of Information required
– Field and Lab Test Methods
– Sample Collection
– Multiple Lines of Evidence
#3: Collecting Assessment Information
– The Physical Environment
– The Chemical Environment
– The Microbiological Environment
– Operation and Design
#4: Identifying Corrosion Mechanisms
– Abiotic Corrosion Mechanisms
– MIC Mechanisms
– Other Forms of Damage
– Integrating Multiple Lines of Evidence
#5: Corrosion Test Data Interpretation for Threat Assessment
– Chemical, Physical and Microbiological Data
– Corrosion Monitoring and Inspection data
– Materials and Corrosion Products
– Design and Operating Conditions
– Integrating the Evidence

#6: Evaluating Mitigation and Prevention Options
– Operational Controls
– Chemical Mitigation Methods
– Physical Cleaning
– Materials and Design
#7: Monitoring Mitigation Performance
– Is Mitigation Working?
– Establishing a Monitoring Program
– Dealing with Changes Over Time
#8: Implementing Monitoring Technologies
– Direct and Indirect Monitoring Methods
– Selecting Monitoring Locations
– Integrating and Analyzing Monitoring Data
#9: Case Studies: Application of Key Principles
– Abiotic Corrosion Cases
– MIC Cases
– Mitigation Cases
#10: Developing an Effective Corrosion Management Program
– Establishing a New Management System
– Resources Needed for Implementation
– Measuring Performance and Continuous Improvement
– Materials Sustainability and Corrosion
#11: Resources for More Information
– Models, Standards & Guidelines
– Relevant Publications, Articles and References
QUESTIONS about the course content are welcome at any time.
Just reach out to the instructors at: info@mic-learning.com

• Online, On-Demand, Self-Paced
• 11 Learning modules with a total of 76 different activities (PowerPoint + audio/video) – 10+ hours of content!
• Case studies and student practice exercises
• Useful forms and checklists included for download
• Downloadable PDFs of all course notes
• Self-Assessments/Quizzes for each lesson

ACCREDITATION INFORMATION This program meets the criteria for educational continuing professional development credit requirements in various state and national professional organizations. In order to be awarded the full professional development hours/units listed and receive a Certificate of Completion, you must successfully complete the entire course. We ask participants self-report their attendance/completion to their organization.
• 10 PDHs (Professional Development Hours)
• 1.0 CEU (Continuing Education Unit)

INDIVIDUAL Registrations @ $895.00 per person

Once you register and pay the registration fee, you will receive an email from the University of Tulsa CESE with your unique username and password with instructions on how to access this online course. We recommend this online/self-paced course be completed in a two-month period.

GROUPS of 4 or more are eligible for a discounted rate of $745/person. Sign your TEAM up today!