INSTRUCTOR-LED, LIVE, VIRTUAL FORMAT | Daily Morning & Afternoon Sessions


February 25-26, 2025 (Tues-Wed)

May 13-14, 2025 (Tues-Wed)

To REGISTER: Click on the course date above.

“Great course to get a foundational knowledge of the energy industry while also having a great time due to the instructor! Kristie is great!”

“If you want to better understand the O&G industry, take this course! Kristie is engaging and humorous! Highly recommend for anyone that works in our industry!”

“I feel anyone in the Oil/Gas industry would benefit from this class. It helps those not in the field understand the field to do their job much better.”

“I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed Kristie’s class – she did a great job of balancing details with overall process. I enjoyed listening to her and found myself dreading the end of the course. Not something I can say with many training classes!”

* From the history of fossil fuels to where we are today in the oil and gas industry (and where the future is leading us), this course provides an overall perspective of the petroleum lifecycle and industry.* By learning the fundamentals and language of petroleum exploration, drilling and production; participants become more efficient and perform their job better.
* Participants will walk away understanding how all aspects of the petroleum industry fit together…from upstream to downstream, including the essential tools of both conventional and unconventional exploration, production and development.


DESIGNED FOR…any person working in, or is interested in, the oil and gas industry. It provides an understanding of the roles in the business and how they relate to the complex oil & gas industry. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Midstream Company Employees: understand upstream and downstream and how they affect your role
  • Engineering & Geological/Geophysical Technicians
  • Landmen, Land Admin, Land Technicians
  • Exhibit Booth Personnel
  • Lease Analysts
  • Administrative Assistants
  • Field Support & Managers
  • Attorneys and Legal Teams
  • Entry-level to 5 year Geologists & Engineers
  • Marketing/Sales Group
  • Financial Analysts & Accountants
  • HSE Personnel
  • New Hires who may be coming from outside the industry
  • IT Support and Managers
  • Interns
  • Human Resources Personnel


Kristie L. Ferguson
President, KLF Geological, LLC
Tulsa, Oklahoma
More information…

“The instructor took a potentially very dry, boring subject and turned it into a fun learning experience.”


  • Geology 101
  • Geological Timescale and Plate Tectonics
  • Sedimentary and Fault Traps: Structures and Mapping
  • Oil vs Gas: How and Where Does it Come From?
  • Geophysics and How it is Used Today
  • Land Acquisition and Requirements to Drill a Prospect
  • Building a Prospect with the Team and Getting it Approved
  • Drilling a Well: Vertical and Horizontal
  • Completing a Well: Fracing Techniques
  • How we Moved from Vertical to Horizontal in the E&P Industry
  • Pumping Money out of the Ground: Production
  • Downstream and Marketing
  • Reserves and Decline Curves: Keeping the Wells Alive
  • The Bottom Line: The Rig Schedule

* Participants will walk away understanding how all aspects of the petroleum industry fit together…from upstream to downstream, including the essential tools of both conventional and unconventional exploration, production and development.
* Each participant will receive a rock and mineral kit to be used during the program; plus a link to download the course slides to keep for future reference.
* Lectures are enhanced with exercises on well log correlations, subsurface map interpretations, economic analysis and deal structure assessments; plus the “GeoJeopardy” game reinforces the skill sets discussed.
* By understanding and applying the concepts and tools presented in this program, the participant will have more confidence and become a more productive professional.
* Participants will gain a deeper proficiency of the roles and responsibilities of the many team members within their companies. With each lesson, they will learn how all jobs, including their own, are necessary to increase the bottom line of their company, which translates to adding reserves and making a profit.

Each participant attending the program will receive a signed University of Tulsa, Continuing Education for Science & Engineering Certificate of Completion showing number of professional development hours earned.
This course qualifies for:

  • 11 PDHs (Professional Development Hours)
  • 1.1 CEUs (Continuing Education Credits)

Associations (AAPL, Bar Associations, Accountancy Boards, etc.) may also approve this course by submitting your Certificate of Completion and information about the program found on this webpage.

“Excellent overview presented with expertise and enthusiasm. Engaging program that provides a picture of the entire core of our industry and how we make it happen.”

“This course is perfect for anyone entering the oil & gas industry or that would like to see the life cycle of how complex and involved the oil & gas industry really is.”

February 25-26, 2025  |  May 13-14, 2025

ZOOM | Daily Morning & Afternoon Sessions

Tuesday & Wednesday
9:00am-11:30am and 1:00pm-4:00pmEach class runs for 2 days total, 5.5 hours each day (divided into am & pm sessions)


NOTE: # of participants is LIMITED – enroll early!


February 25-26, 2025| REGISTER HERE
* $1,295/person | BEST DEAL | expires: January 16, 2025
* $1,595/person | EARLY BIRD | expires February 6, 2025
* $1,895/person | Registration fee after February 6, 2025Last Day to Register: February 19, 2025
May 13-14, 2025| REGISTER HERE
* $1,295/person | BEST DEAL | expires April 3, 2025
* $1,595/person | EARLY BIRD | expires April 24, 2025
* $1,895/person | Registration fee after April 24, 2024

Last Day to Register: May 7, 2025

Did You Know…
your support through paid registration fees helps fund the activities of The University of Tulsa’s Engineering & Computer Science College (student organizations and activities, faculty development and other ECS events). On behalf of TU’s students and faculty, thank you for choosing The University of Tulsa’s Continuing Education for Science & Engineering as your training provider. We look forward to having you participate in the seminar!

Class Snapshot:

“Kristie turns a complex industry into a simple learning experience that sticks.”

If you are needing an overall perspective of the petroleum industry in order to become more knowledgeable, productive, and confident in your job…sign up for this course today.

Contact us about an exclusive educational training experience for your organization!In-Company Course Quote