The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) establishes regulations for assuring proper and safe management of wastes, especially wastes that are defined as hazardous under the regulations. Many waste produced during the exploration and production of oil and gas will meet the EPA’s definition of hazardous waste. However, many of these E&P wastes are subject to a special exclusion within the hazardous waste regulations.
During this twenty-minute presentation, we will take a close look at the E&P waste exclusion. Participants will get an overview of the EPA definition of hazardous waste. In examining the details of the E&P exclusion, participants will learn the common types of wastes produced during E&P operations. In particular, participants will get a better understanding regarding:
• Which wastes are covered under the E&P exclusion?
• Which wastes are still subject to full RCRA Subtitle C regulation?

Primary Author/Presenter:
Anthony Cardno
Senior Instructor
Lion Technology Inc.
Sparta, New Jersey