Session Chairs: Camille Carter, GEI Consultants, Denver, CO and Mike Hawthorne, GEI Consultants, Denver, CO
Case Study: Accelerated Site Closure via Multimodal LNAPL Transmissivity Testing and Plume Stability Analysis, West Texas
Abstract and Presentation
Thomas Daigle, J. Michael Hawthorne, Lisa Reyenga, GEI Consultants, Inc., Denver, CO; David White, KinderMorgan, Houston, TX
Environmental Data Science Innovation in the Age of Big Data
Abstract and Presentation
J. Michael Hawthorne, Lisa Reyenga, GEI Consultants, Inc., Denver, CO
Natural Source Zone Depletion Estimation for Confined LNAPL
Abstract (no presentation available)
Camille Carter, Lisa Reyenga, J. Michael Hawthorne, GEI Consultants, Inc., Fort Collins, CO
Quantification of LNAPL Transmissivity in Fractured Porous Media
Abstract and Presentation
Camille Carter, J. Michael Hawthorne, Lisa Reyenga, GEI Consultants, Inc., Fort Collins, CO; Allison Elder, ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Chemical Plant, Spring, TX; Harley Hopkins, Mark Malander, ExxonMobil Environmental Services Company, Spring, TX; D. Matthew Walker, ExxonMobil Environmental Services Company, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Case Study for Remediation of NAPL Impacted Sediment
Abstract and Presentation
Bjorn Bjorkman, Thomas Daigle, J. Michael Hawthorne, Camille Carter, Lisa Reyenga, GEI Consultants, Inc., Denver, CO; Mike Ruetten, GEI Consultants, Inc., Green Bay, WI
NAPL Mobility in Sediments: Categorizing NAPL Migration Potential Using a Multiple Lines of Evidence Approach
Abstract (no presentation available)
Thomas Daigle, J. Michael Hawthorne, Camille Carter, Lisa Reyenga, Bjorn Bjorkman, GEI Consultants, Inc., Denver, CO