Chair: J. Berton Fisher, IMMIX, LLC/Lithochimeia, LLC, Tulsa, OK
Update on Electrokinetic Based Soil Desalinization Field Test
Abstract & Presentation
Christopher Athmer, Terran Corporation, Beavercreek, OH: Dustin Anderson, Oasis Petroleum, Williston, ND
Four Methods for Evaluating Soil Electrical Conductivity of Brine-Impacted Soils at Well Sites in Bottineau County, North Dakota
Abstract &Presentation
Robin Bay, Kenneth E. Carlson, Habitat Management, Inc., Englewood, CO; Kerry L. Sublette, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK; Brad Stevens, Energy & Environmental Research Center, Grand Forks, ND
Site Specific Risk Assessment of Soil Sensitivity to Brine Releases: Osage County, Oklahoma
Abstract & Presentation
Blake Redden, J. Berton Fisher, IMMIX, LLC, Tulsa, OK
Remediation of Brine Spills – What Goes Wrong
Abstract & Presentation
Presenter: Ken Carlson, Habitat Management, Inc., Englewood, CO
Author: Kerry L. Sublette, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK