Tara Simpson
Environmental Consultant
Trinity Consultants
Oklahoma, USA


With the first year of Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) reporting for natural gas plants completed, this presentation will focus on challenges, roadblocks, and lessons learned from Reporting Year 2022. After assisting companies submit over a thousand Form Rs for hundreds of gas plants, Trinity will share improvements to be made before next year’s reporting season. A brief background on TRI will be provided. With TRI reports heavily scrutinized due to environmental justice and ESG reporting initiatives, the accuracy of these reports is more important than ever before. Any feedback received from EPA during initial review will be shared. Discussion of what to do in the event that a company missed the July 1, 2023 deadline will also be included.

Tara Simpson is an environmental consultant at Trinity Consultants. She prepared threshold determinations and Form Rs for over 25 natural gas plants across the country in 2023 and will continue to manage TRI reporting projects for NGP operators in 2024. Her other experience includes air permitting and compliance for oil and gas operations in Oklahoma and Texas, life cycle assessments for climate standard conformance and environmental product declaration development, and greenhouse gas reporting. She received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Oklahoma in 2022.