New wells and the treatment of existing low performance wells: The selection of new disposal well locations and service opportunities for inhibited performers requires accurate interpretations of current well performance. To assess targets in Texas, many companies rely on raw reported values from the Texas Railroad Commission (RRC). Performance analyses based upon permitted and raw values can skew performance interpretations of existing and potential wellbores and disposal zones, resulting in lost investment costs. It is imperative to ensure that the parameters (injection rate, depth, and disposal zone) affecting performance assessments are quality assured. Here we present the difference in raw RRC values versus quality assured values of injection rates, depts, and zones. To characterize and quality assure reported values, we perform iterative quality assurance on a per-basis of all active disposal wells in Texas. Effects on well performance are displayed on wellbore, regional, and statewide scales. Results show a trend in decreased injection rates, decreased disposal interval length, and increased stratigraphic zone performance. The results signify the importance of using quality assured data for the strategic assays, ultimately realizing substantial cost savings per endeavor.
Primary Author / Conference Presenter:
Casee Lemons
Director of Geoscience
Sourcewater, Inc.
Houston, Texas, USA
Sean Smith, Sourcewater, Inc., Houston, Texas
Benjamin Reed, Sourcewater, Inc., Houston, Texas
Joshua Adler, Sourcewater, Inc., Houston, Texas
Pradip Mukhopadhyay, Houston, Texas