TU STUDENT:(Required) First Last TU STUDENT ID#:(Required) Email:(Required) Phone:(Required)I plan to attend (check all that apply):(Required) Monday | March 24, 2025 | $100 | provide TU Dept. Account to be charged below Tuesday | March 25, 2025 | $100 | provide TU Dept. Account to be chargedbelow TU COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT(Required) TU COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT STAFF APPROVAL NAME & EMAIL: TU Department Account Number:(Required) The Univ. of Tulsa College/Department is required to cover the direct cost for their student to attend this conference. TU STUDENT CONFERENCE REGSTRATION FEE: $100/day. The cost per day includes refreshments, buffet lunch, and any conference materials. Cost to attend both days of the conference - $200/student. Please provide the TU Department Account number to be charged for their attendance.I am a member of (check all that apply): TU TEMSA (Tulsa Energy Management Association) TU STUDENT SPE ASSOCIATION TU STUDENT GEOSCIENCE ASSOCIATION TU BUSINESS SOCIETY Questions or Comments: REGISTRATION SUBMITTAL:Conference Space is limited. Pre-Conference Registration is required for admittance into the conference. To ensure your space, you must register and journal transfer funds before March 17, 2025. Contact Us:The University of Tulsa College of Engineering & Computer Science Continuing Education for Science and Engineering 918-631-3019; cese@utulsa.edu; www.cese.utulsa.edu