Randy St. Germain
Dakota Technologies, Inc.
Fargo, ND

Presentation Date: October 12, 2023

Laser-induced fluorescence is the premiere tool for characterizing non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) in-situ, providing high resolution information on NAPL distribution ideally suited for remedy design and risk determinations. But most practitioners don’t realize LIF also has the capability to detect the nature and extent of where remedies such as injections, dual phase extraction or solvent flushing have interacted with (successfully contacted) the NAPL.

This presentation will demonstrate how post-remediation LIF can provide high resolution data sets that can inform practitioners on how successful the remedy was delivered and how and where it was successfully affecting NAPL in the subsurface. This provides a CSM that allows for precise targeting of the next round when necessary.

Mr. St. Germain developed much of Dakota’s underlying time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technology while pursuing a M.S. Chemistry degree at North Dakota State University from 1987 to 1991. Randy and his colleagues have developed a continually improving series of direct push deployable site characterization systems for high-resolution delineation of petroleum, coal tar, and creosote NAPLs in the subsurface. From early research field trials of LIF at U. S. Air Force bases in 1992, through subsequent commercialization of the ROST, UVOST®, TarGOST®, and the new DyeLIF™ system for chlorinated DNAPLs, Randy has spent the last 30 years characterizing NAPL releases with LIF.

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