A major part of remediation expenses are rush analytical charges accumulated as companies try to delineate contamination boundaries. This process often leads to exorbitant numbers of samples being taken to ensure accurate demarcation of the contaminate plume.
Ultrasensitive passive soil gas monitoring allows for the detection and mapping of environmental contaminants at parts per billion levels at a fraction of the cost of traditional approaches. Proprietary ultrasensitive samples are placed in the ground at a depth of ~3 ft and remain in-ground for 7 – 14 days. The ease of installation and retrieval allow samples to be placed in grid or asymmetric patterns which make delineation of plumes more accurate and more cost effective. These samples are then analyzed using mass spectrometry by modified EPA methods 8260/8270.
In this case study an active fuel storage facility in northeastern United States indicated possible contamination impact to groundwater. An ultrasensitive passive soil gas monitoring survey was implemented to delineate the extent of the subsurface impact. The passive soil gas survey cost ~$100,000 less than traditional analytical methods with rush surcharges. Additionally, due to the detailed demarcation of the contamination plume, the regulatory agency allowed the company to reduce the number of monitoring wells from the original 33 to 15, saving the company an additional ~$100,000 in well construction costs.
Primary Author/Presenter:
Rick Schrynemeeckers
Business Development North America
Amplified Geochemical Imaging, LLC
The Woodlands, Texas