The Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC) is the national association of state groundwater protection and underground injection control agencies. GWPC has served as a valuable forum for communication on oil and gas issues between state government, federal government, industry, academia, environmental advocacy groups, and other interested parties. The mission of the GWPC addresses “the protection of groundwater resources for all beneficial uses.” It covers all groundwater resources that are or may be used for beneficial purposes, including oil and gas produced water.

This report is part of an effort by the GWPC to promote consideration of legitimate beneficial reuses of produced water. While produced water is currently being used in applications both within and outside of oil and gas operations, many potential applications remain. Further research will be needed to assure that these potential applications are both suitable and safe.

This report considers produced water to be a “potential resource” rather than a “waste.” Although most produced water has never had any use before it is brought to the surface, the term “reuse” is commonly assigned to produced water that is or will be used for a beneficial purpose.

Primary Author:
Mike Paque
Executive Director
Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC)
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Website: Ground Water Protection Council

Conference Presenter:
John Baza
Director, Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining

1) John Baza, Director, Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining, Salt Lake City, UT
2) Shellie Chard, Director, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, Oklahoma City, OK
3) Michael Dunkel, Jacobs & Worley, Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
4) Scott Kell, Ohio Division of Oil and Gas Resources, Columbus, OH
5) Tom Kropatsch, Wyoming Oil and Gas Commission, Casper, WY
6) Ken Harris, formerly California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources, Sacramento, CA
7) Nichole Saunders, Environmental Defense Fund, Austin, TX