3 Important things about ECLIPSE WEEK (be sure to check out #3!):

1. “On Monday, August 21, 2017, all of North America will be treated to an eclipse of the sun.”

2. “Total solar eclipses don’t often appear in the United States, which makes the coming event on August 21 all the rarer…. The last time any part of the country experienced a total solar eclipse was nearly 40 years ago, on February 26, 1979….. The year that our nation declared its independence, in 1776, was the last time a total solar eclipse occurred only over the United States and in no other country, just as it will do [on Monday, August 21st]. (https://www.yahoo.com/news/last-total-solar-eclipse-america-163200108.html)

3. Another rare event is happening August 21, 2017 – August 25, 2017… the TU-CESE ECLIPSE WEEK SPECIAL!
– Sign up for the 24th INTERNATIONAL PETROLEUM ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE for just $795.00 per person saving you $$$!
– To take advantage of this ECLIPSE WEEK SPECIAL for conference participants only, just email our office at cese@utulsa.edu and let us know. We’ll respond via email to sign you up for IPEC 2017 at this RARE discounted rate.
– Feel free to call our office at 918-631-3088 if you would prefer.

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