Platinum/Opening Reception Sponsor: $7,500
- 4 complimentary full conference registrations for company employees d
- Acknowledgement and award presented at the Plenary/Keynote Session
- Opportunity to welcome and address the group during the Plenary/Keynote Session
- Prominent on-site signage in the main conference area recognizing sponsorship
- Logo recognition in the Conference Program/Book of Abstracts
- One full-page B&W ad in the Conference Program (provided by sponsoring company)
- Logo recognition on the 2018 conference website, including a link to your company’s website
- Signage acknowledging company’s sponsorship at sponsored event
- Acknowledgement in Conference Program/Book of Abstracts as Sponsor of the Opening Reception
- Logo added to IPEC 2018 e-promotions
- Reserved seating at Plenary Session & Luncheon
- Optional: Exhibition Booth Space in premium location
- Optional: Name Badge Lanyard Sponsor (provided by sponsoring company)
Gold/Refreshment Sponsor: $5,000
- 2 complimentary full conference registrations for company employees(not applicable to conference presenters)
- Acknowledgement and award presented at the Plenary/Keynote Session
- Prominent on-site signage in the main conference area recognizing sponsorship
- One full-page B&W ad in the Conference Program (provided by sponsoring company)
- Logo recognition in the Conference Program/Book of Abstracts
- Signage acknowledging company’s sponsorship of Daily Break Refreshments
- Acknowledgement in Conference Program/Book of Abstracts as Sponsor of Daily Refreshments
- Reserved seating at Plenary Session & Luncheon
- Logo recognition on the 2018 conference website, including a link to your company’s website
- Logo added to IPEC 2018 e-promotions
- Optional: Conference pens (provided by sponsor) or bags (provided by sponsor)
- Optional: Discounted Exhibition Booth Space in premium location
Silver/Welcome Reception Sponsor: $3500
- 1 complimentary full conference registration (not applicable to conference presenters)
- Acknowledgement and award presented at the Plenary/Keynote Session
- Prominent on-site signage in the main conference area recognizing sponsorship
- 1/2 page B&W ad in the Conference Program (provided by sponsoring company)
- Logo recognition in the Conference Program/Book of Abstracts
- Signage acknowledging company’s sponsorship of Welcome Reception
- Acknowledgement in Conference Program/Book of Abstracts as Sponsor of Welcome Reception
- Reserved seating at Plenary Session & Luncheon
- Logo recognition on the 2018 conference website, including a link to your company’s website
- Logo added to IPEC 2018 e-promotions
- Optional: Discounted Exhibition Booth space
Bronze Sponsor: $1500
- Acknowledgement and award presented at the Plenary/Keynote Session
- Prominent on-site signage in the main conference area recognizing sponsorship
- Reserved seating at Plenary Session & Luncheon
- Logo recognition on the 2018 conference website, including a link to your company’s website
- Logo recognition in the Conference Program/Book of Abstracts
- Optional: Discounted Exhibition Booth space
25th IPEC Anniversary Sponsor: $500
- Acknowledgement & Recognition in Conference Program/Book of Abstracts
- Company/Organization listing on the 25th IPEC Conference Website
Contact Pat Hall, IPEC Corporate Sponsorship Coordinator, at or call 918-631-3088, to reserve your sponsorship or with any questions about IPEC sponsorship you might have. Or just fill out the following Corporate Sponsorship Reservation Form and someone will be in touch with you shortly.