Major source refineries in the United States were required to begin fenceline monitoring of benzene in January 2018 via passive sampling technology in order to comply with the Refinery Sector Rule. Ten months in, what does the data look like? Is benzene frequently being detected at fencelines of refineries, and if so, at what concentrations? Can any conclusions be drawn, or generalizations made? Is this monitoring necessary? As a laboratory analyzing hundreds of samples a month from refineries around the country, ALS Environmental will have a broad, robust data set to examine for trends, in advance of the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) which will not be available until Spring 2019. The data set will be analyzed for trends and variability with regard to seasonality and geography, as well as any other factors that may come to light over the course of the year.
Primary Author/Conference Presenter:
Nicole Bryson
Sales Manager
ALS Environmental
Simi Valley, California, USA
Samantha Henningsen, ALS Environmental, Simi Valley, CA