Prior to the federal elections of 2016, the EPA was on track to impose New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions for the oil and natural gas industry. Specifically, the EPA intended on reducing fugitive methane and VOC emissions from new and modified oil and natural gas production well sites. Beyond the economics of complying with Federal or State environmental regulations, is the impact these emissions potentially have on air quality, the environment or the community at large. While Politicians and Scientist can argue the effects greenhouse gas emissions have on the global environment, it is the trace pollutants that are often present with the bulk emission which are problematic to those living in the area of these production sites.
Smith Analytical, LLC along with Wellhead Emissions Management, LLC and Emission Monitoring Service, Inc. (EMSI) are currently involved in a three-year EPA funded study for ambient air testing of gas wells in East Texas. The mobile lab is equipped with two gas chromatographs and the ancillary hardware required to measure for Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Total Xylenes at Parts Per Billion (PPB) and Parts Per Trillion (PPT) concentrations found in ambient air near or adjacent to the production site.
Primary Author / Conference Presenter:
Steve Smith
WellHead Emissions, LLC
Alvin, Texas, USA
Les Howe, Smith Analytical, LLS, Alvin, TX, USA
Justin Smith, Smith Analytical, LLC, Alvin, TX, USA